Business in Gas station:
1. Distribuidora Speedy Gas Arequipa - Jos茅 Luis Bustamante y Rivero
路 9 reviews
Lima 101, Jos茅 Luis Bustamante y Rivero 04009, Peru
Poemas Girasol Waruteru: I work there
luis miguel herrera vidal: The best
Ana Solis: Very good
Abraham Zevallos Aro (anderick301): Cheap and fast service
Rommel Reategui: Good price
2. Zeta gas semi rural pachacutec - Cerro Colorado

路 7 reviews
Fray Martin De Porres, Arequipa 04014, Peru
David Vargas Neyra: I visit the faucet frequently to recharge vehicle gas.
Mariela Guill茅n: Good attention
Augusto Amadeo Prieto Eduardo: Regular attention
Candelaria Elizabeth Laguna Quintano: Super good, good prices few cars
Miguel Lazo De La Vega Vizcardo: Good vehicular LPG service with accumulation of points to exchange items for household use
Miguel Angel Cardenas Valdivia: Redeem zetagas points
Rivelino Vasco A帽acato Machaca: The lady who served... spoiled... before there were other staff and she was better
Jesus Torres: A terrible attention you ask for the book of complaints and they do not want to give it to you today I had a bitter experience
Jose Demetrio Gaimes Sivana: very good attention
3. Estaci贸n de Servicio Repsol - Cayma
路 62 reviews
Av. Bolognesi 904, Arequipa 04017, Peru
Ebert Gustavo Aponte Valdiviezo: . Kinteroni est谩 situado al este de la Cordillera de los Andes y su producci贸n de gas natural y l铆quidos asociados son procesados en las facilidades de Camisea. Espec铆ficamente el Lote 57 se ubica en la cuenca de los r铆os Ucayali y Madre de Dios en la amazonia, regi贸n de Cusco, provincia de la Convenci贸n, al norte del yacimiento de Camisea.El 谩rea en el que se ubica el Lote 57 es de rica biodiversidad por lo que Repsol ha incorporado en su gesti贸n medidas innovadoras de control y prevenci贸n ambiental adem谩s de conservaci贸n de la biodiversidad. Se incorporaron las mejores pr谩cticas en la industria de gesti贸n ambiental, empleando personal y procesos especializados para proteger la flora y la fauna.Campo SagariRepsol culmina con el desarrollo tras finalizar la construcci贸n y poner en operaci贸n las facilidades de producci贸n del Lote 57 correspondientes al desarrollo del Campo Sagari que permite aumentar la producci贸n de Gas Natural en el orden del 25% hasta llegar a los 200 millones de pies c煤bicos de gas de venta por d铆a. La inversi贸n total en la infraestructura que inicia operaci贸n alcanza a los 353 millones US$, con m谩s de 8 millones de horas trabajadas sin ning煤n accidente.El desarrollo del campo ha supuesto la perforaci贸n de dos pozos productores, el acondicionamiento del pozo exploratorio y un pozo de inyecci贸n de recortes de perforaci贸n. La construcci贸n de casi 20 km de ducto de transporte de gas que une las plataformas Sagari Ax y Bx, con la existente Kinteroni, as铆 como todas las instalaciones de producci贸n de las dos plataformas.M谩s sobre el proyecto SagariCamiseaRepsol tambi茅n cuenta con la participaci贸n del 10% en el Consorcio Camisea, operador de los Lotes 88 y 56, con una producci贸n de gas natural y l铆quidos asociados que se procesan en las plantas de Malvinas y Pisco para el abastecimiento del mercado local y de exportaci贸n.Planta de Compresi贸nLa Planta de Compresi贸n permitir谩 compensar la presi贸n de los pozos de gas de los campos Kinteroni y Sagari. Esta se ubica en la Base Nuevo Mundo de donde es conducida la producci贸n a trav茅s del ducto existente hasta la Planta Malvinas del Consorcio Camisea.(Translated by Google
Daniel Carpio: Gas station with high prices, bad option.
Ray S谩nchez: Nice staff! Good service.
Roberto Suarez: The best hotdog sandwich, just like the lime one 馃
Cristian: Bad attention
Diego: This gas station is always nice, the attention, the place, everything
Andres: Friendly attention all day at all times. Staff.
Vincenzo Valente: Optimal service.
Herbert Gygax: Fast and in the right place
Juan Carlos Portillo Benavides: Spacious and clean service station. Good attention.
Juan Carlos Portillo: Well located place, good service.
Jose Efrain Aleman Bellido: Spacious service station good service very friendly and polite recommended
Alfredo Mendoza: Good attention. Information as requested. Very well.
Juan Delgado: Good attentionGood ubication
Your Dad: You can find the most expensive fuel in Arequipa here
Marco Salinas: Good place
Juan Corrales Gallegos: Service station quite expensive, attention is good.
Santiago Pardo: The store offers good options to eat and drink
Marlube Herencia: Excellent
4. Chaski Gas - Cayro - Paucarpata
路 14 reviews
Industrial Cayro, Paucarpata 04007, Peru
Alex Hernandez: They are currently doing work on the track, heavy machinery, there is access to the tap
Holger Valdivia Rom谩n: Excellent atention.
Har Lop: Good service
Gremcor Repartidores: Well full weight
IO Sono: Good service and low price compared to other faucets
Luis Aguilar: Economico
Helbert O: Ok
Jesus Egoabil: Medical prices and the ladies who attend very friendly
Manuel Cutimbo: Regular service, published prices do not agree with the vending machines.
f V谩zquez: regulate attention
Jose Ricardo Diaz Lazo: Now Chaski Gas Faucet
Giovanni Battista Zaccagnino: un ottimo benzinaio, bagni molto puliti!
Related inquiries Gas station:
5. Repsol - Tiabaya
路 33 reviews
108 303, Arequipa 04013, Peru
6. EE.SS AV PERU - Cerro Colorado
路 8 reviews
LT-6, Av. Per煤 1401, Arequipa, Peru
krizz Choque A.: premium gas
Carlos Manuel Ramirez Paredes: A place where fuel for vehicles is offered at affordable prices and good service
Cesar Pan: Very good service, my chicken had no reverse lights but they fixed it there
Jahayra Zea: Great, good service.
7. Grifo Characato - Tiabaya
路 34 reviews
H9RV+VQX, Tiabaya 04000, Peru
Nadia 脕lvarez: For now it is being renovated, but good attention
Michell Robert Aguirre S谩enz: cheap fuel
Julio Cesar Venegas Arroyo: Good service and reasonable prices
F茅lix Asunci贸n Cuadros Garc铆a: Security and good service.
David Mendoza: low fuel prices
Arnaldo Condori Martinez: Characato primax faucet also has Coesti service
cristhian argollo: Very good service
Jorge Andr茅s Paredes Sierra: The tap is wide, the prices agree to the market and the attention of the staff is very friendly. Unfortunately, your Ready store did not have the promotions or sandwiches that characterize these convenience stores. Cav add that next to it is an abandoned and semi-collapsed construction that is used as a latrine by people passing through.
Dani Coaguila: You can pay by card
Fabricio Rodriguez Duranr: Good faucet.. good fuel
JAVIER CHAHUA: Spacious place, has services
Javier eduardo Talavera motta: Good attention and with the capacity of the workers to safeguard the client, very legal.
Juan Pinto: Well
Hernan Fernandez: The attention is terrible and many trucks enter, they take time to attend to the small cars
Elvis Ch: very bad service
Detroit AuLatin: Count with them.They inspire you confidencethey help you in everythingThey give you a solutionThey serve you 24 hours a day and their service is quality
Walter Chaname: well faucet for refueling
8. Gas Satel - Cerro Colorado
路 14 reviews
Tacna 101, Arequipa 04018, Peru
JOHN EDER MOLINA CAMPI脩O: Your service to the public is excellent, there is no line to tank.
franco huamani silloca: The attention is terrible, the staff that attends do not even know where they are standing, they raise their voices, there is no customer service, the worker indicates that he is the boss at the same time, it is really terrible
Raul Pino: attention is exempt
Francisco Falcon: First class customer service, good fuel deals
Anthony Farf谩n Vargas: About
diego torres: The attention is really bad
Fredy Quilla Q.: Brilliant
Elmer Nifla: A quiet place to live
9. Repsol - Arequipa
路 127 reviews
Ricardo Palma 305, Arequipa 04013, Peru
Nasshir: Yes, reliable.
Jose Silva: excellent fuel
Geraldine Fernandez: The price of fuel is too high
Jose Efrain Aleman Bellido: Service station with good treatment and cordiality
Arturo Vizarreta: comfortable prices
Sergio Segura: Good attention.
jefferson ventura: Good service and good fuel.
Veronica Juarez: very kind
Percy Dante Y. T.: good gasoline
Juan Jos茅 Alca Huaquipaco: Excellent service
Breshstar Villanova: I don't know why but my gasoline lasts twice as long and my corolita feels more powerful
Cristhian Sandoval: Attentive and courteous employees
Jazm铆n Garc铆a Veliz: Good service.
Walter Alfredo Obando Montoya: Very good deals...
daniela bermudez: Normal then gasoline at last
Carlos Dongo Mardini: lousy attention
carlos crispin: accept visa
10. Grifo Petroamerica - Sachaca
路 21 reviews
HCRQ+X86, Arequipa 04013, Peru
Manuel Rolando Florido Bengochea: good prices
Miguel Lazo De La Vega Vizcardo: I frequently visit him for the LPG
Ricardo Alarcon: Good Price on LPG. Recommended
Yuri Antonio Reinoso Guillermo: This faucet is located in the heart of the city of Ilo, or in the port of Ilo. Behind and in front of the port cathedral. As you can see in the photos, it has no congestion. As for the prices, they are competitive and similar to the prices of the other taps. As for the bio-security controls against Covid-19, at least it can be seen that they partially comply.
victor hugo rosas barrios: Good service excellent attention
Arthur Ch谩vez Monroy: The service was terrible, it seemed that the tap was doing us the favor of serving us
wilder bedoya: good fuel price
HUBERT FELIPE VALDIVIA ROJAS: Good service and prices
Renzo MeNa: Good price on fuel
Luis Guillermo Barreda Tapia: terrible attention
Gaudenc Leon Marrero: The best LPG price and first class staff at the LPG pump. Even though I have left Peru for months, I was very pleased to fill the vehicle in this faucet, recommended
V铆ctor G. Cornejo: litro a 1.25 soles(Translated by Google
Ninaso: Low prices on LPG
jorge riggenbach: Good low fuel prices
Luis Huaman铆: sometimes good prices
11. Grupo Vivargo SAC Arequipa - Cerro Colorado
路 17 reviews
Arequipa 114, Arequipa 04014, Peru