Best Clinics Sanitas Arequipa Near Me

Clinicentro Absi Clinica Arequipa SANNA  Clinic South Centro Médico Monte Carmelo RemaSur Arequipa San Juan de Dios Clinic Daniel Alcides Carrión Medical Center Pulso Corporación Médica - Arequipa - Salud Ocupacional Maternidad Arequipa Oftalmosalud - Clínica Oftalmológica Arequipa CLÍNICA INTERNACIONAL Medicentro Arequipa

1. Sanitas Perú EPS - Yanahuara

· 3 reviews

Av. Ejército 101, Yanahuara 04013, Peru

Address Website WhatsApp
Sanitas Perú EPS: what do users think?
Ricardo Paredes: Excellent service and customer service

2. Clinicentro Absi - Yanahuara



· 11 reviews

Edificio Nasya, Av. Ejército 101, Yanahuara 04013, Peru

Address WhatsApp
Clinicentro Absi: what do users think?
Ángel Flores: Highly Recommended. The very humane and attentive treatment of the ENT doctor and the administrative staff, the facilities are very clean and tidy. Reinforce the issue of attention by order of arrival since it should be by schedule according to the appointments with each doctor.
Beatrice Ornaghi: A highly recommended medical center, doctors of high ethical professionalism, good treatment, very polite and friendly staff, very hygienic, always presentable in perfect hygiene, great care in constantly disinfecting the environment, the hygienic services equipped with paper to dry their hands, liquid soap, paper always available as any personal hygiene product to the public.High quality of patient care.I recommend it and my congratulations to all the health personnel, excellent service.
Daysi Tito Pinto: Terrible attention, you have to wait for hours to be attended because it is in order of arrival so you make an appointment. They want to get money from you as it is and the treatment of the lousy staff.
Ivan Ugarte Monroy: Good service and all specialties. It has a laboratory, x-rays and ultrasounds.
Rocio Fiorela Castro Samamez: Terrible experience, they take a long time, they do not comply with the security protocols and while you wait they put other people from other laboratories in, which causes you to waste more time and there is only one person doing the tests.
Arantxa Bella Princess: Bad experience with it. Doctor of Dermatology. Terrible attention. And on top of that, medical and there is nothing in your pharmacy.Chaos I left as I entered.
Rachel Peat: y no me pueden cobrar los días que estoy aquí no más. Su politica es cobrar todo el mes, y cuando es super caro siempre el cliente sale perdiendo y ellos ganando, No los recomiendo por nada.(Translated by Google
Jorge Portugal: Good location... and since there are several medical offices, you can find everything, but it is always advisable to make an appointment.
Daniel Gutierrez: For the personal treatment
Heverd Baleriano Torres: Acceptable.

3. Clinica Arequipa - Yanahuara

· 101 reviews

Esquina Puente Grau con, Bolognesi S/N, Arequipa, Peru

Address Website WhatsApp
Clinica Arequipa: what do users think?
Diego Salcedo: It is a lousy clinic when you have an emergency, there are no doctors, nothing, and the nurses treat patients badly.
Jessica Salazar: More than half an hour to attend an emergency, they take their time as if emergencies were an outpatient consultation! the last straw
Maria Bernal: I have been very disappointed in the Arequipa Clinic, I don't know what kind of professionals they are hiring, today I took my 14-year-old daughter for an emergency and she was treated by the pediatrician Cynthia Karen del Carpio Corrales, a "professional" who leaves much to be desired I will detail why:1st... He called my daughter fat and told her that she was obese for weighing 70 kilos "with warm clothes because it's bad" and without taking into account that she is 1.73m tall, incredible! Totally without criteria!!!2nd... He said that a fever of 38, 39, even 41 is NORMAL, and that he did nothing, that the fever that my daughter had presented of 39 was NORMAL, that it was nothing.3rd... He asked me if I prescribed an inhaler or syrup, which can cause tachycardia, despite being told that my daughter had a history of arrhythmia, he asked me if I prescribed it or not and I was still in a hurry to answer it because "I had more patients" and there was no one waiting.4th... My daughter and I had stops to make her report, and among the questions and incoherent statements that she made, the one that caught my attention the most was the one she asked my daughter "What hurts you the most, the fever? or the throat? Because according to that he was going to prescribe an antipyretic+analgesic, or just analgesic, and here he indicated that the paracetamol was only antipyretic but not an analgesic, when I told him he was wrong he told me that it was an analgesic but "a little"🙄 and in the end I was wondering what I was going to prescribe.5th... She laughed alone at everything, nothing professional.6th... His diagnosis was unspecified otitis media and acute multiple site infections.7th... My daughter poked her chest, and she told her that it was NORMAL because of the cough, despite having told her that she had a cyst in her breast and that she was suffering from arrhythmia. I had to remind her that it's not normal, that the chest doesn't hurt when you cough, that my daughter hurt because of her cyst or perhaps because of her arrhythmia.8th .. Despite all the symptoms of my daughter: fever of 38 demonstrated with a photo to the doctor for which I had to give my daughter 1 g of paracetamol, persistent cough, irritated throat, inflammation in the ear, pulse of 113 in rest, pressure of 9/6, dizziness, chest pain, etc. For the doctor everything was NORMAL, and it was not an emergency.9no... Finally I had to take my daughter without proper review, I was practically the one who gave the prescription and I feel like I gave my money to the clinic.
Tv Box: Bad attention, they are not clear with their rates, they even charge you for indicating which office you should approach.And apart pay your attention again.bleeding clinic.
SilverBack: Very high prices.
Mical BVA: Terrible telephone service.
Franco Rojas: You have to go from one place to another on foot because not all cashiers pay, not all windows are open. Valuable time is wasted.
José Andrés NV: For being one of the oldest clinics, if not the first in Arequipa, their customer service leaves much to be desired. One of its main shortcomings is the emergency area, being one of the busy ones, they have VERY LITTLE STAFF IN CHARGE. Their attention times really leave a lot to be desired, the few staff do their best to care for the patients but with what they charge, it is surprising that they do not have more staff available. NOT RECOMMENDABLE.
Beatrice Ornaghi: Hygienic, friendly staff.
j cornejo: The attention was fast, lack of some personnel in the emergency sector.
Jorge Vargas Torres: Very good attention and they have a supply of medicines
Vanessa Weber: Administration is slow in the emergency department, and waiting times were mediocre. The doctor who saw me was excellent, though, and his English was very good.
Macario Bustamante: It has many specialties.
Gian Carlo Espinoza: internista que había llegado primero y se hizo el loco luego que fui a reclamar a atención al cliente y empezaron a hacer control les dije que el dr no respetaba el orden y me dijo que si lo hacía. Le reclamé que era un mentiroso y se puso agresivo queriéndome pegar. Cuando se dio cuenta que lo estaban grabando se escondió como cobarde. Tal vez tengan buenos profesionales pero son pésima clase de personas.En otra ocasión, saque consulta con neurocirugía y me pidieron hacer un estudio, me dijeron que vaya a una hora y cuando llegó me dicen que es por orden de llegada y habían varios pacientes. Me animé a quedarme pensando que sería rápido pero demoraron como 02 horas y aún faltaban pasar pacientes. No dan indicaciones claras y piensan que son la única clínica en Arequipa. Dejan mal el nombre de Arequipa.He ido a la clínica Vallesur y todo es mucho mejor. Más orden, los doctores no se creen lo máximo, el personal tiene buen trato y se saca por cita, llegas y te atienden a los pocos minutos y no tienes que esperar.(Translated by Google
Jeanpier Chavez montañez: A good service
Grace Suarez: The emergency care in the clinic is deplorable, in addition to the terrible treatment of the cashier, there is only one nurse to give injections, they focus on a single patient and indicate that the attention time is more than an hour than all the doctors and the nurse on duty are with that critical patient.It is a prestige clinic, incredible that there are not more staff. Being a clinic that charges so expensive, the attention leaves much to be desired.
david alvar...: Terrible care, they don't even have staff to heal a wound
Deyvit Gutierrez: Terrible attention makes you waste your time, they diagnose you when they don't even see you when you go to your appointment and they don't even notify you, I really don't know where professionals come from so you can't even talk to them about a problem, they tell you first make an appointment, they they look more like an ATM than like a living being
Jose Alberto Chavez tito: Good attention
Ariana Camila Ch: Well organized

4. SANNA Clinic South - Yanahuara

· 57 reviews

Av, Francisco Bolognesi 134, Yanahuara 04017, Peru

Address Website WhatsApp
SANNA Clinic South: what do users think?
Yunilda Martha Arenas Coha: Terrible care, I went to the emergency room and waited for about two hours, they didn't take care of me because there were no stretchers, I don't recommend it, I had to put zero but there isn't
Zahir H.: Terrible care from the clinic, they rescheduled an ENT exam twice and because of that I spent 25 soles on one-way tickets and I lost hours of work due to the irresponsibility and lack of communication from the clinic, it's not just the hassle of coming and wasting time is that they do not provide a solution and they only reschedule the appointment, wasting time on the client and forcing them to come on other days, also the attention per call is terrible, they do not give accurate information and they always send them to come to the clinic for any question, TERRIBLE SERVICE.
luis acosta: Its infrastructure has improved a lot.
Raúl Porras: Good service.
Violeta Díaz: If I could give them 0 better... You pay 100 soles for an appointment but it does not include the physical examination, that is paid separately, like 90 soles more, that is, my 100 soles for the water because I just sat down to talk to the doctor and she tells me that I need an ultrasound and he sends me to pay.... Terrible and the laboratory tests 600 soles 🤯🤯🤯🤯
Zoila Hernandez: It's expanding, I'm running out of time and I liked the facilities ⛄🤶
Andrea FreeFit: You pay for pleasure, the doctors in this place are arrogant, they have zero empathy, but when it comes to games, they dump patients, they are disorganized, they don't give you all the instructions and you find out at the last minute, nothing to do, and their appointments in some special examination takes more than 2 months. What's this? social security?
Elva Tapia: I give it three stars for the attention of the doctors in the office, because if it comes to admission and pharmacy, they would owe me stars.
Maria Nuñez: Excellent professionals! Attention on time, already 2 years attending us and very well!
Alicia Canabal: I made an appointment for 12:30 p.m. and the doctor arrived at 1:00 p.m. and began to give extras and attend to the extras first and literally at the end she attended me, and they were not operated on or people with disabilities.
Mauricio Medina-Garnica: One star, for the good attention from the medical specialists, however the attention in admission is terrible, it seems like a market you have to shout to be heard, when there are problems due to appointments they are unable to provide a solution, the same happens in telephone attention They never give a solution to anything, not to mention pharmacy care, they do not want to sell prescription drugs by the specialist who knows the patient's situation, they give the pretext that the insurance does not cover them, despite the medical order, the clinic is getting worse every day
wilder bedoya: Good attention, within normal times
Jason Salazar: Terrible attention, the doctors make you wait longer than normal, they tell you there is no system and the prescriptions cannot be generated. The nurses are lousy, they take care of you anyway, you ask them something and they don't answer you, the waiting time and the facilities are super limited, I really do not recommend it, there are better clinics in Arequipa and unfortunately I fell into this one.
kimberly mamani solano: If there were less than one star, I would give it 4 hours to get service, lousy service.The estimated waiting time is literally 4 hours.
Rene Espinoza: personalized attention
Jessica Milagros Chavarri Vasquez: Terrible experience, there is NO Doctor in emergencies, three hours waiting, there is no separate room for COVID patients, all together in the same room, exposing non-COVID patients. If there were zero stars I would rate it that way without a doubt. Do not come.
Ismael Maldonado: Very bad company!!! They exploit their workers with super low wages!!! They don't make payments at the agreed times, they don't renew contracts just to avoid meeting certain payments that must be made for seniority, it's all pure appearance, but in reality the vast majority of their staff is unhappy.
X Salas: I put 1 star because I think you can't put 0, because I made an appointment in endocrinology yesterday, the appointment cost 100 soles, lasted 5 minutes and only consisted of asking me for a series of medical tests. I took the exams today because they were fasting exams and it turns out that if I want a reading of the results I have to pay 100 soles again and wait 1 week for them to read them. I do not recommend it, a thousand times better I have been treated at the DAC
Piero Yanez: The staff very well. But for an emergency, although they did tests on me, the doctor on duty did not know how to give me anything for the infection. He prescribed many medications. Which in the end were not used for that. They just enlarged the ballot
Lucy Fortaleza: Terrible personal laboratory attention without patience or experience, my baby received 4 punctures to no avail. Absence in customer service area. Agglomeration of people in the admission area.
Fatima Cusirramos: Very good treatment and fast attention.

5. Centro Médico Monte Carmelo - Arequipa

· 13 reviews

Calle Francisco, Gomez De La Torre 119, Arequipa, Peru

Address Website WhatsApp
Centro Médico Monte Carmelo: what do users think?
René Rimaneth López Rosas: They did not have adequate information, the treatment was lousy, they even sold me a mask because mine broke for 4 times what it normally costs, we know it is a clinic but please let us be more aware of what we do.
Luis Roca: DR. FARFAN - THE WORST ENDOCRINOLOGIST! I visited the endocrinologist Farfan to have my father checked out.When asking questions, the doctor was quite pushy, answered our questions with other questions, and was not able to provide diet or exercise recommendations to a diabetic person!I would not return even paid!
Hector Chara Surco: I think it should improve many aspects...
dina chambi cari: Specialized care
Augusto Velarde: Personalized, timely and quality attention.
Ricardo Morales: They have Best Service Vaccines
guillermo alejandro espinoza cuba: I am trying to refer a patient and the call center does not respond, so they lose patients
Gabriel Núñez: The clinic is very small, it literally operates in a house, the hygienic services leave a lot to sedate. It does not allow making an appointment by phone, one has to approach the facilities personally. They don't have an ENT, they refer you to an external ENT doctor. Your pharmacy does not always have all the prescription drugs. There is no Wi-Fi. There is no television in the waiting room. They only have 2 cashiers to serve the large number of patients that go.
D Huayhua: Ok

6. RemaSur Arequipa - Yanahuara

· 26 reviews

León Velarde 108, Arequipa 04017, Peru

Address Website WhatsApp
RemaSur Arequipa: what do users think?
Jorge Núñez: It seems that your Resonator is not one of the newest
Jeffersson Salinas Arenas: They don't give a ballot, they informed me that they were going to give me the ballot in the envelope with all the results and nothing, I ask for WhatsApp and they no longer attend, I have to go again to ask for the ballot.
Janny Flores: Very good attention I boy for two opportunities and they treated me very well
Victor wall: They are unable to tell you over the phone why they cannot take an MRI, rather than providing a service it is as if one owed them a favor... Terrible attention simply starting with the receptionists
milton gamez: they never answer the phone
fabiana cabanillas: The attention of the staff is very bad, they are not friendly and they do not have the capacity to care for patients who are not in a stable state of health. I do not recommend this place.Train your staff in customer service, as it is lousy.
Ysabel Hancco Solís: To begin with, I came to Remasur because the doctor recommended it to me, I suppose because of the good MRIs and CT scans they perform. But with regard to logistics, it is messy, I would even believe that several people are summoned at the same time and in these circumstances, the agglomeration of people must be avoidable.
Evelyn Sandoval: You are geniuses, thank you for your patience, today I have my card thanks to you... 😘
Rosario Paricahua: The attention from all the staff is not the most appropriate. The one who receives is not very friendly. There is lateness in attention, there are several people summoned at the same time, which leads to a crowd of people in the waiting room, so that on repeated occasions they invite the companion to leave.
Luis Salazar: administrative services in my company I could not obtain the original and lost the appointment. Today, Monday the 27th, they did not want to see her because supposedly the validity of the exam coordinated with the insurance had expired. My social worker had to call and send several emails to clarify the situation, including that the original order was not necessary because they already had it scanned and stamped by my insurance. Total ignorance of the procedures with the insurance and zero willingness to help from the receptionists, who did not call anyone to ask and just said that it was not possible.
Max Brandon Choquemamani mamani: 😂
Gabriel Núñez: Good attention, they call you to remind you of the appointment and the treatment of the staff is good. The downside is that they don't have anywhere to park.
Rosario Garcia: Excellent atention
Rogelio Diaz: Terrible attention from the Venezuelan receptionist
Jorge Godoy: attention
Erick Prado: Tidy, clean place, fast service
Maria del Pilar Presbítero García: Good patient care. There is where to park.
Manuel Ramirez Alvarado: images plaza de armas

7. San Juan de Dios Clinic - Yanahuara

· 63 reviews

Av. Ejército 1020, Cayma 04017, Peru

Address Website WhatsApp
San Juan de Dios Clinic: what do users think?
Rick carlos: Place of recovery and high complexity care according to the evaluation of the patient requires.In physiotherapy rehabilitation there are only 30 minutes, it is not long, and the high demand comes from the province and the city.medium high costExternal consultation from 90 soles.
Emilio Montesinos: Terrible attention, the box takes more than an hour
Franklin Mestas: There are no receptionists in ADMISSION TO PHYSICAL MEDICINE APPOINTMENTS, lousy 2 weeks ago I continue every time I go it is full because there is only one staff, otherwise in the first level A1 doctors the emergency care is also good.
René Apaza: Very expensive prices supposedly general medicine should cost cheaper but nothing, they still take an eye out of your face.
Massage Suite Arequipa: A health center with a high human and professional level...
YESSICA OVIEDO: One goes to the clinic to be treated quickly and they give you an accurate diagnosis but there are many times that these doctors make me wait a lot and it is not that they are with patients they are ALONE in their offices, they leave a lot to be desired that they will believe that we are going because we have nothing to do, in any case, I'll go to insurance if I'm going to expect the same and on top of that I don't pay anything, there should be more control with the kind of personnel that is hired who at least have a vocation for service 😡😡😡 it makes me desperate So slowly it seems that they are modeling I think they made the wrong career, even when with the same, the clinic directory should take action on the matter because just like me and many we will not return, very bad experience.
Reyes: I would not give a star in the Dentistry Area, the doctor was super abrupt with his attention, not friendly, very rushed when taking care of you, so I did not let him attend me for those reasons and the hygiene was super bad, it had a smell of a public bathroom, I almost vomited inside the Luckily, the office was wearing a mask and the doctor didn't notice and, well, I was able to see how dirty his deposits were, etc., and everything was messy. Anyway, I never plan to return again, and I have 100% insurance at that clinic.
Steve Gonzales Valdiglesias: los médicos y personal tienen poco compromiso con las preocupaciones del paciente y la familia.Fui por un tema de gastro para que atiendan a mi esposa, los resultados al dar negativo, el médico dio una medicación genérica para un supuesto virus, y esta no sirvió para nada, al día siguiente con los mismos malestares, volví por la tarde a la Clínica San Juan de Dios ya que el pago sigue vigente un día más, para consultar por otra medicación ya que la que nos dieron fue incorrecta, pero no quisieron recibirnos, a pesar de que ellos demoraron en sus servicios, no escuchan y solo exigen más pago para nueva consulta.Finalmente tuve que buscar otro servicio y acudimos a la clínica Daniel Alcides Carrión, fuimos atendidos mucho mejor por medicina general con un médico de turno, que fue más empático, profesional y dió la medicación correcta.(Translated by Google
Orlando 17: Terrible attention, I made an appointment and I was waiting more than 1 hour for the doctor to arrive because although my appointment was at 10am the doctor never came, I waited for him until 11:10am and I had to leave, how irresponsible.
Gina Vilca: Very bad, to be a clinic. I'd better go to a hospital and the attention would be the same. They take a long time to respond.In an emergency, lousy professionals took my dad and he almost died from an overdose and they never did anything, happily nothing happened to him
Jorge Andrés Paredes Sierra: Excellent care, service and security are top notch. The doctors and staff in charge are top notch.The gentleman at the reception is very friendly and courteous.
Santiago Luperdi: It is 07.13 today, Jan 19, 23, and the cashier has just opened, a queue of 14 people from 7 o'clock to pay. BAD ATTENTION, see the cameras and VERIFY COMPLAINT.
Gonzalo Ramos: Very bad attention, they only think about charging, they are not interested in the health of the patient.
Ramiro Urday: very friendly staff
IVAN FREDY ISLA VERDI: Many told me that it was the worst clinic in Arequipa and today I confirmed it, the air of physical medicine walks you with the dates for therapy sessions, the worst I have seen in my life.
Ges Cdve: una atención más humana pero este señor lo único que hizo fue hablarnos con sorna y sarcasmo.Por lo que leo en otros comentarios ese maltrato es recurrente en esta clínica.(Translated by Google
Andres Abed: One of the worst health centers you can go to. They focus more on seeing how to get money from people than on attending emergencies and they never take responsibility for poor service if they make a mistake. Not to mention the little knowledge and lack of professionalism of the staff. I do not recommend anyone to go
Renzo Gallegos: Excellent
Àngel Ernesto Velàsquez Velàsquez: Good service overall...
July Diana: , se les dijo que el dinero estaba en camino y ellos negaron la atencion a la paciente.La paciente fue atendida solamente cuando el pago fue realizado en caja, pero lamentablemente falleció.Un infarto es una situacion de urgencia, es de vida o muerte, cada minuto que pasa agrava el estado del paciente; es INADMISIBLE que se le haya negado la atencion necesaria.Ningun respeto por la dignidad humana.NO LA RECOMIENDO, sobretodo si estan entre la vida y la muerte(Translated by Google
darwin huamani narrea: Terrible Attention. They have no guidance. Doctors are very grudging and make you wait for an emergency when attention should be immediate.

8. Daniel Alcides Carrión Medical Center - Arequipa

· 96 reviews

Calle Clorinda Matto de Turner 116, Arequipa 04002, Peru

Address Website WhatsApp
Daniel Alcides Carrión Medical Center: what do users think?
Maicol: Terrible attention from the staff, I went to see a relative for ophthalmology because supposedly the care is 24 hours, but there was no staff in that area, and they did not give me specific information about the hours of care, and on top of that, they told me in a bad way. says the information after insisting.
Augusto Amadeo Prieto Eduardo: Good as a health clinic.
Eliana Escobedo: It can be said that there are many specialties and their prices are accessible, friendly and human treatment.
Nery Laura Apaza: Definitely the worst clinic, bad service, bad treatment, my mother writhed in pain and they didn't care, now I recommend to my relatives and acquaintances that they DO NOT attend that clinic
ebert Jose Callapiña Torres: Good fast service, they hardly make you wait very accurate
Jeff Rz: Terrible attention from the doctors, they prescribe without examining, wrong diagnosis, staff delivering analysis results distracted joking with nurses before attending, at night it's terrible as if nobody cares about you and that grocery machine that doesn't give change swallows everything the silver
Mirelly Diaz Navarro: Horrible attention. I went for a colposcopy. They did not attend me in triage. I went straight to the office. They sent me to put on my gown and told me to sit on the stretcher and wait more than an hour.The doctor arrived in a hurry as soon as I greeted him, he performed the procedure in three minutes without showing me anything in detail, he finished and told me it was fineI was left with many doubts I will have to do it elsewhere.gynecologist.Paul arayan
Cristhian Beltrán: 👍👍👍
alex ramirez: I don't know, I recommend them, apart from being expensive, it's bad. I recently went for an infection that hasn't been cured so far, just in case that wasn't enough, the day after I went they almost sent me to the emergency room at the general hospital.
Laly Cardenas Paco: They attend from Monday to Saturday 24 hours a day, plus the specialties have different shifts, which can be found on their website. The prices are above the other centers that are located around. I made an appointment with the gastroenterologist for a choking, he did not hinder me, nor did he check me, he just asked me what I felt and sent me a prescription and that I make another appointment after 5 days, the cost per consultation S / 51.00
Karen Diaz: They charge you for review, they charge you to read results, really a lot of staff there should never have been doctors, they profit and profit from everything.
Pamela Del Valle: Terrible attention, I went for a nosebleed and ended up with a burn all over my lip, total negligence, I had to pay for a dermatologist and treatment on my own since they did not take care of it
Elvis taegon quispe chullunquia: Terrible care, yesterday I went to a pulmonology clinic and waited about an hour and the pulmonologist treated me for about 4 to 5 minutes. He didn't even check me and my exams were very rushed, he even told us quickly, quickly, this is not like the hospital. The worst care I received as if your care was free.
Gaby Ramos Follano: I do not recommend, I went a month ago... lousy attention made me wait an hour and a half, excuse was that they called me and I was not in the place but I never moved, well I passed it... another time when I went to the office the gynecologist responded Reluctantly, tired of his life or work, I don't know, one who asks him questions because he has doubts, it bothers him that I tell him something, I don't know, one pays to have good and fast attention.
H M: I know this Centre has terrible reviews but my experience has been excellent. I visited once to make an appointment and then returned for my appointment. All the staff were immediately helpful, from la señora at the entrance, to the receptionists on the 3rd and 4th floors, the triage nurse and my consultant - even though I arrived over an hour late. I did not have to wait more than 5 minutes at any point and all were friendly and went out of their way to make sure I arrived at the correct destination. 5 stars :)
Eddy Jefferson Quispe Marca: Terrible attention.
Eduardo VG: The attention leaves much to be desired, since I was expecting a response to my ailment from the otolaryngology specialty but ended up harmed because the medication given was inadequate and did not help me at all, by this I mean that they indicate to their doctors that the assistance that they must give has to be complete and not hasty in order to get rid of the patient as quickly as possible.
Eliannkka Arg: Terrible attention from your staff. The security man and the cashier. I requested the claims book and they did not have it, they said they had forgotten the key to the drawer where it is located
Niels Vasquez: In some things it is good, but there is a lot of disorder
María velasquez: good service only because it is from peru I give it one starWritten by Chilena de corazón
Katherine I. M.: Terrible care based on what happened to me, they gave me a shift and an hour but when I arrived it was not like that, the shift time is not respected, they attend to you according to triage care, wait from 3:38 pm to 6:00 pm to be attended by obstetrics and gynecology, more than what should be expected

9. Pulso Corporación Médica - Arequipa - Salud Ocupacional - Arequipa

· 11 reviews

Calle Hipólito Unanue 142, Urbanización Victoria Cercado, Arequipa 04001, Peru

Address Website WhatsApp
Pulso Corporación Médica - Arequipa - Salud Ocupacional: what do users think?
Yesu Zea: Terrible service, they cannot cope with all the staff, the attention is terrible, they have inoperative dispensers, very bad attention
Wilber Zapata quispe: terrible attention
Alfredo Eyzaguirre: Terrible attention, they have too many customers and they do not stock up, if they know that they will not be able to attend to everyone, they simply should not attend to their procedures too slowly
dash geo metry: Just tell them that everything they serve is summed up in poor service. They give a number, they give a page and they never answer to find out about the exam that was given, many of us from the provinces cannot travel just to ask, they do not answer, it is a clinic where some make an effort and the others scrub it, they summarize poor attention to the provinces distant with knowing results. They do not answer
MARIBEL PUCHO: Terrible service I don't understand why companies keep sending this clinic to pass a medical exam
yonel ruben valdivia taype (xleiter): bad attention. They take a long time.
denis justo mayhua coaquira: Terrible attention. Everything very slow. Aggressive security staff. They should not schedule if they do not have capacity.
Karina Gonzales: Today I passed a medical exam and the attention is very slow, they only have an ophthalmology office and many people are concentrated in this specialty.
Lahm Veredict: The attitude of the security personnel who attend to the patients is terrible, they behave like an arrogant older adult who cannot be refuted, on the other hand, the personnel who do the antigen tests do know the good, friendly and cordial treatment
Victor Zaferson: It is a small clinic, I passed a medical exam 1 year ago, I came back for the annual exam and now there is a terrible attention from the security guard, who is not friendly at the entrance, he does not explain anything and responds in a bad mood as if everyone already knew and should not ask, inside it is a disorder because they can't cope with the amount of people but at least the doctors are friendly.
Leydy Vilca: Fatal attention, a whole mess and zero kindness on the part of the workers
Yeyson Valencia: Terrible service, to do a simple medical exam it takes 5 hours, poorly trained staff don't even know where to send you, little organization for so many people they send, they bring together people who will pass covid tests with people who will simply undergo an entrance medical exam.
Víctor Alfonso Cancapa Sencia: A very pleasant environment, it has all the current Bio security protocols for greater comfort. Excellent 👍
Cristopher: Very lousy attention and they do not answer x the numbers they indicate to call
DALENDY PACHECO: The slowness in this place is infuriating.
Fernanda Chavez Begazo: Excellent service.
Ángel Enrique Ramírez Escalante Flores: Like 4 number and in none they attend
Kadin Kelly Dolmos Cunsa: Terrible attention, they take forever to attend, even though they are asked they do not know how to give an answer, and on top of that they are disrespectful

10. Prenatal&Familia - Yanahuara

· 38 reviews

Mariano Melgar 111, Arequipa 04017, Peru

Address Website WhatsApp
Prenatal&Familia: what do users think?
Gabriel Carpio: Very good
Amira Maharib: Very good attention, since you enter, the receptionist is very courteous and guides you in your doubts. The teachers are also very friendly and well trained. very good service for the little ones.
Mirella Galvez: 100% recommended
Ali y Yali: Place specialized in psychoprophylaxis, prenatal stimulation and early stimulation for babies from 1 month to 3 years
Ale A: Excellent attention
Liliana Rojas Cueva: Very good antenatal services
yuraima rojas: EXCELLENT......
Angel Andrés Arisaca: Calm and relaxed place where you learn more about babies

11. Maternidad Arequipa - Arequipa

· 11 reviews

Arequipa 04002, Peru

Address Website

12. Oftalmosalud - Clínica Oftalmológica Arequipa - Arequipa

· 47 reviews

M Benavides, Arequipa 04001, Peru

Address Website WhatsApp

13. CLÍNICA INTERNACIONAL Medicentro Arequipa - José Luis Bustamante y Rivero

· 6 reviews

Av. Porongoche 500, Paucarpata, Perú, Arequipa 15036, Peru

Address WhatsApp

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