Best Flying Schools Arequipa Near Me

CEICA Peru Spanish Language School Colegio Domingo Savio 4M TRANSPORTE TURÍSTICO

1. Di Glave Instituto de Aviación Turismo y Gastronomía - Yanahuara

· 1 reviews

Av. Ejército 906, Cercado De Arequipa 04018, Peru

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2. CEICA Peru Spanish Language School - Yanahuara



· 75 reviews

C. los Arces 257-A, Cayma 04017, Peru

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CEICA Peru Spanish Language School: what do users think?
Thiago Cruz: A escola é incrível, ótimos professores e coordenadores. Acolhem muito bem o estrangeiro, que se sente em casa. Além da qualidade pedagógica, o lugar é muito inspirador, arborizado e iluminado pelo sol arequipeño, um encanto.
Paul Girard: Healthy ambience. They're a supportive family and staff of locals who are charismatic! They genuinely want to help you learn and improve your speaking, listening, reading and comprehension of Spanish. Karla was professional, understanding, grounded yet open to a good laugh while exercising her modalities of teaching. Definitely, I felt at home with Carmen and Sofia because they both shared parenting qualities which demonstrated that they wanted the best for me during my time avaliable to learn. Lessons in the garden whilst in the school environment...Considering all aspects of the school, It felt like a utopia! Lessons, learning and Blessings. Gracias a los todos.
Sandra Schacherer: WE Had a good Look around Arequipa to find the perfect Spanisch school for us and We dicided to go for Ceica, which was a great choice.Although We only stayed one week, We could refresh and improve Our Spanisch a Lot.The nice little Garden where you learn gave it the perfect Ambiente.Besides we also stayed in the Apartment on the second Floor of the school, which We shared with some Others Students.It IS really nice and even has a great balcony.I can highly recommend the school, the teachers (Ada and Rocia), the owner/Organisator Sofia and the Apartment.All the best for you.
Nancy Samson: I highly recommend CEICA Spanish School as it will greatly enhance your ability to communicate in Spanish. It is a warm and comfortable environment (the classes are held outside in a pleasant garden) and the class time flies by quickly. My teacher Ada was very helpful and extremely patient as I worked to improve my basic understanding of Spanish. She was very creative in applying various teaching styles and practices as she pushed me to improve my spanish vocabulary and communication skills beyond the beginner level. It is surprising the amount of progress one can make in a small amount of time while attending the school.
Clemens Schroeder: We stayed in the lovely accommondation in Ceica school for one week and really enjoyed the Spanish course there! Sofia was super helpful with everything and is running a very well organized Spanish school. I learned a lot from my teachers Ada and Rocio, they were super friendly, helpful and always in a good mood. The 1 to 1 course helps a lot to improve your Spanish, I really enjoyed the time at Ceica! Muchas gracias!
Ginny Catanese: I spent a week doing the travelers class at CIECA and had a wonderful time. The space is lovely and my teachers and other staff were wonderful - welcoming and professional. At the end of the week I felt completely satisfied with the level of Spanish I obtained while with them and look forward to continuing to learn while I travel around Peru :)
Jamie T: I had a wonderful experience at CEICA Peru Spanish Language School! It is run by a lovely family who made me feel like part of the family. All the classes are one-on-one and the teachers I had were professional, kind, and made the lessons fun. I signed up for a program where my teacher also guided me through town every afternoon to see the historical sites and learn about Peruvian and Arequipan culture. Sofia, who runs the school, also made all the arrangements for trips to Colca Canyon and Lake Titicaca. I chose to live at the school, where I had a nice suite. Another student lived with a local family. Sofia will arrange whatever accommodations you prefer. I was traveling alone, but didn't feel alone once I arrived at the school. I highly recommend CEiCA Peru!
Daniel Tanner: Ich bezog 2 Wochen à 3 Std. pro Tag Privatunterricht mit Emilio Zuniga. Vom ersten Moment an hatte die Chemie gestimmt. Der Unterricht fand im gut gepflegten Garten im Innenhof statt. Emilio hat den Unterricht auf mich individuell angepasst und ist sehr systematisch vorgegangen. Er hat das Maximum aus mir herausgeholt. Auch das Backoffice unterstützt einen, wenn nötig. Den Unterricht in Ceica und speziell mit Emilio kann ich sehr empfehlen.
Rory White: I spent a week and a half at Ceica Peru and had a great time. The classes were 1 on 1 and my teacher was extremely helpful so my Spanish improved a lot. Everything was very well organised and the service was brilliant. The accommodation was great and in a good location for shops and not far from the centre. And if I ever needed anything e.g. a taxi or medicine, then Sofia was always there to help. I can't recommend Ceica Peru enough.
Annemarie Briggs: Had such a lovely experience at this school, Sofia does an amazing job running the place and making me feel at home while I was staying in the apartment at the school and settling in Arequipa. My teacher was also great and really helped me improve my Spanish so quickly in the 2 weeks I was there. Would recommend this school to anyone who wants to learn Spanish in a comfortable environment and have time to explore the city while you’re there.
Kurt Provost: Positive:Quality,ValueI spent 3 weeks living and studying at Ceica, it was an incredible experience, and exactly what my Spanish needed! Arequipa is a beautiful city to live in, much better than Lima if you're wondering 😆 The one on one tutoring ensured my Spanish improved rapidly, thanks to the great teachers at the school. I can't wait to return!
Kit Garnett: I only intended to stay for 2 weeks but ended up getting lessons for 7! This language school is by far the best, and most affordable, one I've ever been to, I'd thoroughly recommend it. Malena and Ada were amazing teachers and I hope I can come back again one day!
Sarah Hoffmann (S_h_watermelon): Da ich gerade durch Süd- und Mittelamerika reise, habe ich mich dazu entschlossen in Arequipa einen Crash-Kurs Spanisch zu machen-Spanish for Travelers. 20h in 5 Tagen. Ich habe mich super wohl gefühlt und viel Spaß beim Lernen mit meiner Lehrerin Claudia gehabt. Es war eine tolle Zeit, ich habe viel gelernt und auf meine individuellen Bedürfnisse konnte Claudia jeder Zeit super eingehen. Der Unterricht fand auf Grund des schönen Wetters im schattigen Garten statt, was die lockere Atmosphäre noch unterstrichen hat und ich mich nicht in meine Schulzeit zurückversetzt gefühlt hatte, wo man bei jeder Nachfrage des Lehrers halb unter dem Tisch verschwunden ist, um ja nicht dran zu kommen. Ich kann die Schule nur jedem empfehlen. Auch Sofia, die alles super organisiert hat, war sehr nett. Rund um zufrieden. Nun heißt es für mich weiter üben üben üben und die gelernten Grundstrukturen festigen.
Melissa Rogan: I spent 3 weeks studying basic / intermediate spanish here in feb 2020 whilst staying with a host family organised by the school. I cannot rate this school highly enough. The staff and teachers were incredibly accommodating, in that I was able to go through the material at my pace and focus on improving my conversational skills. My lessons each day were conducted one on one in the lovely garden, with the occasional hummingbird dropping by.My host family were lovely and I was able to spend breakfasts and dinners at the table with the family immersing myself in Spanish conversation. Both the school and the homestay in Cayma were a comfortable walking distance (20 minutes) from each other and the main town centre.Would highly recommend to anyone 😊Y gracias de nuevo CEICA por la maravillosa experiencia, ahora yo sueño en español 😊
jürgen barthelmes: in february 2020 i spent three weeks at the Ceica language school. initially i only wanted to take a two weeks course. but i enjoyed it so much, that i decided to stay was obvious that my profesora had a lot of experience with language students, she was able to make difficult contents entertaining for me and the time passed by quickly.i never had the feeling of pressure or that i felt stupid.the textbook was accompanied by short stories, that were really interesting and gave you additional views on latinamerican culture.the lessons generally take place in the garden behind the building. it is quiet there except for the birds (i.e. colibris) that come to visit the garden.i can definitely recommend this school.jürgen barthelmes
Iseul Lim: Very kind and very good study!
Marcin Kurnal: 5 beers and lessons at this school = fluent Spanish.But in all seriousness, great lessons with Ada. Learnt a lot. School missed a bit activities so that’s probably one thing that could be improved.Recommended!
Gavin Greenberg: Had such an incredible experience at this Spanish School. I just finished taking a months worth of classes with Ada. The way Ada taught was just unreal. She kept me focused, interested, and speaking constantly without ever feeling embarrassed by messing up or saying something wrong. I learned way more in this last month than I had in the previous year or trying. I highly recommend Ada and this school.
Jenna Jones: What a great experience! I just spent two weeks 10 hours a week learning Spanish with Janina. She is so welcoming and kind and it put me at ease. Going into my first lesson I was very nervous but as soon as I got to the school I felt very welcomed. From one teacher to another keep up the great work and thank you for a wonderful experience here in Arequipa!
Martha Otice: I spent a month at Ceica School and found it to be a great experience..I gained more knowledge of the Spanish language..the instructors were very competent , especially Sonia..the family of Carmen, Sophia and Jose made me feel welcomed..estoy muy feliz y le recomendaría a Ceica.😊👏👍
Carmen Schuurman: Best experience to learn the basic Spanish language due to a good organisation, teacher Ada and a lovely family stay in Arequipa

3. Edeaq - Arequipa

· 1 reviews

C. la Merced 123, Arequipa 04001, Peru

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Edeaq: what do users think?
Kim Laura Schönrock: Tolle Schule, mit super Lehrern. Ich war einen Monat hier und konnte mein Spanisch deutlich verbessern. Die Lehrer gehen individuell auf jeden Schüler ein und passen das Tempo des Unterrichts entsprechend an. Außerdem konnte ich die Inhalte des Unterrichts selbst mitbestimmen und so optimal auf meine Bedürfnisse anpassen. Dabei hat mir besonders der Mix aus Grammatik-Übungen und freier Unterhaltung sehr gut gefallen. Außerdem sprechen alle Lehrer neben Spanisch noch zusätzlich Deutsch und/oder Englisch, was das Lernen an der einen oder anderen Stelle ebenfalls erleichtert hat.Arequipa ist zudem eine wirklich schöne Stadt, in der man gut eine längere Zeit verbringen kann.Rundum empfehlenswert! Ich würde jederzeit wieder hier in den Unterricht gehen.

4. Flying Dog Hostel Arequipa - Arequipa

· 336 reviews

Calle Melgar 116 esq. Calle Riveros, Melgar, Arequipa, Peru

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Flying Dog Hostel Arequipa: what do users think?
geine zhang: Free decent breakfast, warm and comfortable bed, big rooms.
Sharia Su: Female dorm is very noisy during the night because window just right on the big street!but shower is hot and common area is good.
Francisco López: Ideal and comfortable, okRooms: 4/5|Service: 3/5|Location: 3/5 …More
Boba Fett: Sehr sehr gut alles. Die mitarbeiter super freundlich und hilfsbereit. Top laage. Hostel ist ruhig und sehr sauber.
Kallpa Tours: Recommended hostel
smith zea: The staff is very attentive, the breakfast is exquisite and very cheap so you can enjoy your stay, in addition to the fact that the place is very hygienic
juan jose osorio martinez: Good service... very attentive staff like Diego, Evelyn and Christian... breakfast is included and it's very good... the bar is cozy and the TV room is very comfortable... and you can spend hours playing billiards... Very nice place and to make friends in the hostel, highly recommended and close to the square... In conclusion, the days go by quickly but the friends that one makes there remain to be remembered... 👍
Alejandro Fernández: A great human team, the Flying dog family! Thank you for all the support and help during my stay!
Ricardo Jose: Good place, good attention, organized, good vibes and cheap prices. I will definitely be back! fully recommended
Kathleen Valenzuela: Excellent option for short stays. Nice spaces and well located near the Plaza de Armas
Tim Delaney: Basic hostel located just a few blocks from the main plaza. The rooms are very simple. I had a private room with a private bath. The were no windows and felt damp inside. The common areas are open and spacious and the upper patio is a must see during sunset. The staff were very friendly and translated in english very well. The breakfast is basic, day old bread with butter and jam and a cup of coffee or tea. Better to go outside for a full meal.
Javier Aurelio Hundskopf: Excellent location. Beautiful hotel in an old mansion in Arequipa. Very committed, helpful and attentive staff. Good cleaning of common areas and rooms in general. Comfortable and safe rooms.
Katia Luján: Very close to the center, comfortable common spaces, destination included, and good service at reception
Vapali Pou: We booked the double room with private bathroom. There was a 24hour reception. The room was big and there was a lot of space. It was very close to the city center. Friendly staff.We were cold during our stay. The breakfast only had two options. Our room and bathroom could have been cleaner. They didn't clean our room and we stayed 4 days there. We paid a whole day even though we arrived at 5 in the morning. For what is was we would expect a cheaper price.
Laura V: Nice place with comfortable bed and decent breakfast. Kitchen is available. The only problem was the wifi when we were there, but they responsible for that.
אייל בן-יצחק: הוסטל סך הכל בסדר, כמה דברים שקצת הפריעו לי.. הראשון הוא רעש מבחוץ, גם של רכבים מהכביש וגם של אנשים באיזורי ישיבה של ההוסטל. שנית, כאשר אץה ישן במיטה העליונה של המיטת קומותיים בדורמס, אין מדף לשים דברים, אין שקע חשמל... מאוד פשוט לשים ומראה קצת מחשבה על הלקוח..דברים טובים הם הצוות שיודע המון ועוזר מאוד, מסביר פנים ולגמרי אחלה. מחיר יחסית הוגן לדורמס.

5. Colegio Domingo Savio - Cerro Colorado

· 18 reviews

Challapampa - Sta. Sofía 101, Arequipa 04014, Peru

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Colegio Domingo Savio: what do users think?
Luciana: It's an excellent school because my boyfriend is there
Augusto Amadeo Prieto Eduardo: Well.
Lic. Mariela Rodríguez Fabbri: Very modern. They have made sports facilities in front of the school. It looks very well done.
Cataleya García: One of the best schools in Arequipa. Good architecture and excellent education
JUAN CARLOS PALACIOS: Excellent school, they not only care about education but also about instilling values.
Alexia Sofí­a PAZ BORJA: excellent school
TRAVEL, IDEAS & WORLD - Viajes, Ideas y Mundo: Excellent school. A pleasant educational family, whose students, teachers, administrative staff and parents make this school one of the best in Arequipa.
Mirella Romero: Mixed school, very good infrastructure according to the needs of the student, provides an excellent education based on Christian values ​​and hand in hand with the comprehensive development of scientific, practical and technological knowledge.
Sebastian Rios: Very good school, an impressive principal who is always there to help students and teachers, has modern and very useful resources for learning, as well as very good quality staff.Atte. a former student
Katia Bustinza: My son studies there and it is a good school

6. UAP Centro de Investigación - José Luis Bustamante y Rivero

Mz G Lt 14 José Luis Bustamante y Rivero, Cercado De 04009, Peru

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7. Universidad Alas Peruanas O.R.A. - José Luis Bustamante y Rivero

· 2 reviews

Mz G Lt 14 José Luis Bustamante y Rivero, Cercado De 04009, Peru

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Universidad Alas Peruanas O.R.A.: what do users think?
Roang Huamán: A house where its doors will be open for future professionals from Arequipa.
alejandro suca maita: Excellent infrastructure, today in search of its reopening, a place where her professional career crystallized and that today my beloved daughter exercises her career with suitability. CONGRATULATIONS.
jose aguilar callo: the denigrating personalized treatment continues until when, it does not change, wait, wait, later, call again, come back, and more...............
bhenjamin ARK: They take a long time to respond and when you ask them a question they don't know how to answer and they only tell you to send emails to the university.
Hugo Paulo Zegarra Valdivia: It is not in operation due to the pandemic.
Jair Hernandez: Closed.. It has a nice facade
silvana julieta fernandez de castillo: It is demanding and good dentists are trained.
alejandro lazo: Sad to see the students who are damaged by Sunedu's license denial.
Madyhory Maquera P.: Wide green areas
Cecilia Aramayo: Trees, plants, a huge space, a good place to work, excellent work environment, super enterprising and respectful students
Eva Cuba: The Peruvian wing university has a very large field for them to develop their activities.
Ivan Araujo: It is the worst private university, most of the students are absent in general culture... there is no degree accreditation, terrible, for a reason it is ranked 9572 worldwide and ranked 38 nationally... with this it is enough to determine the incompetence of this university, much worse the other higher education centers after the UAP.
Gabriel Núñez: Alas Peruanas University has a very large and spacious campus, great to be able to develop its activities and provide space for the sports activities of the students. It has a very nice campus and an auditorium with a very interesting design. It has garbage cans that allow to classify the garbage to be able to recycle it and thus help the environment. It also has nearby restaurants that offer delicious food.
Rommel Reategui: The Universidad Alas Peruanas is ranked 45,860 in the world ranking. We can even find universities in Africa and Central America in better locations. This data is intended to alert the members of this house of studies to improve their educational level.
Fabrizio Calienes R.: The University as such has very good objectives, the current management is very bad, abusive and directed
Kemil Alvarez: Lack of modern classrooms
Lucero A. Simborth: The professors are very good since they teach in other Universities unsa cato sanpa, at least the magisters of the tourism career are the best! The bad thing is the infrastructure, there are not so many free areas set up for students. For the rest I have no complaint.
José Jesús Martín Toledo Choquehuanca: It would be necessary to ask how many people would choose to hire a graduate of the uap
Erick Rendon: My university 😊🤔


· 14 reviews

Merced, Arequipa 04001, Peru

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